Order Queijeiras Cape

When you buy your cape the remaining value of the production price will be used to pay for the course “From awareness to training” for participating cheesemakers.

How to buy your “Queijeiras cape”?

1. Fill out the form available here to the side.

2. You will receive an email confirming the order, indicating the total amount and the payment method by bank transfer.

3. After confirmation of payment, the cape will be sent via CTT Expresso.  Delivery is normally on the working day after the order is sent. Together with your Cape you will receive the invoice. 

4. Wear your cape and share it on social networks with #queijeiras  



What's your Queijeira (Cheesemaker)?

PVP 172€
Please specify the number of Short Cape you wish to buy
PVP on request
Please specify the number of Long Cape you wish to buy
PVP on request
Please specify the number of Queijeirinha Cape you wish to buy